Monday, August 26, 2013


I read once "time is an odd ungraspable thing"
I basically have taken a little break from blogging
needed to step away for a bit
Has been a difficult summer in many ways
Ever since my mom died, things have felt "off kilter"
Hubby and I have been extremely busy working/landscaping some of our property
My daughter and her 2 little girls came to visit for 10 days
It was good medicine
I feel like it has been too long since a visit
to see the kids
and gosh on JULY 4th
I got a new grandbaby

and this coming weekend
I FINALLY get to meet him, hold him, love on him
going to Utah for family time
It was kinda funny as until my son and his wife selected his name
they called him CAPTAIN AMERICA
but he is LEON MATTHEW
and how I love the name
Leon is my father and grandfathers name
and Matthew, after my son who passed away
and is daddy's brother
 this is my daddy looking at new baby on his computer..Great Grandpa for little Leon
He was pretty thrilled.
 so, summer is coming to an end, way to quickly
I'll probably settle in to blogging again
and wondering
what do I want to share with all of you
what is interesting to YOU
Fall and winter will wrap it's chilly, lonely arms
around me
and I'll be needing to reach out
and sometimes blogging helps with that.


The Gathering Place said...

I've missed your fun blogs. Hope you get back in the habit for sure. Have fun visiting your cute new grand baby!

Georgia said...

Oh, please don't start talking about winter's chilly arms wrapping around me! I can't bear to think about cold weather already. My summer was so busy I feel like it just barely started.

I'm glad you you got some resting and rejuvenating time. Have a safe and wonderful trip to visit those beautiful grandchildren. Little Leon Matthew is ADORABLE!!

Becky Andrews said...

Hope you have a wonderful time visiting your family! Perhaps our paths will cross!

jeanne, backyard neighbor said...

Good morning Wendy, I'm glad you are blogging again. I love your fun and interesting posts. I especially love when you reflect on life as it pertains to you. You have great insight to life. I mean it!!!

Love that cow and the gal leaning on it! HA!

I also love pics of you loved ones and this post is special in this respect. Leon Matthew is darling and your daughter and girls are 'so pretty' Like their mom/grandma.

BTW, my favorite colors are green/golds/bronze with a bit of red in the kitchen. I did have a blue bedroom for several years that I loved.

Fall is almost upon us. I have enjoyed your facebook pics of your landscaping improvements. The grass is really growing nicely. We too have planted several trees and shrubs this summer. Now I want fast growth.

Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy! You've been missed so much. I know it's been hard for you since your dear mother passed away. Glad you've been surrounded by family and congrats on your new grandbaby! So darling. That's a cute snap of our Daddy looking at the baby. Just take your time.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Unknown said...

New grand-babies are the bomb dot com.
I have thought about you this summer and hoped you were doing well. I too having really cut back on blogging. Just not feeling it right now.
I'm actually looking forward to fall. Ready for bulky clothes and comfort food.

camp and cottage living said...

I'm so glad your back, even if it's just to catch us up a bit.
It really sounds like you're having a good summer.
Congrats on the birth of Captain America!

Anonymous said...

glad you step back to post -- my thoughts have been on you for while -- glad for your comments -- glad you'll get to see grand babies...
be safe..

nitebyrd said...

Good to hear that you're getting back on track. Your daughter and granddaughters are just beautiful! And a new grandson, how wonderful!!!

That cow is awesome!

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

How wonderful...a new grandbaby! Congratulations! He's adorable!
I am in denial as far as fall/winter coming....and don't even talk to me about Christmas! I haven't been much into blogging lately either, but I have started a new page on Facebook for my felting business. Check out the link on my blog and join me if you would like. Would love to have you there. Cathy

June said...

I love the photo of the two Leons meeting for the first time Wendy. It almost made me cry---so precious! He is definitely a keeper granny :))))
I'm glad you got to have some family time and have fun with the grands. You have such a beautiful family!!!
hugs from me...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WENDY! Good morning my dear one! I am sitting here at 3:15am, not able to sleep; I must be stressed a bit since SCHOOL starts next week, and I have a new assignment at both the high and middle school to teach French. It's always stressful when you're new to an assignment.

I am thrilled to have seen you comment (I am barely getting to my comments - too busy myself!) and to come to see YOU. It is imperative to take a break and step back and reevaluate things. It's so good to see your new GRANDBABY! And the rest of your family.....I am very sorry to hear about your mother.

Thank you for coming to visit me, it is truly wonderful to see you beautiful self once again. Anita

Deserae said...

Congratulations on your new grandbaby...he is soooo cute!!! Have a safe and wonderful trip :o)

" Hit It......." said...

The name of your new gandbaby made me smile. Leon is my Grandpa's name and Matt is my brother's name. We are so similar.

I know what you mean about being off kilter. You and I are struggling a bit huh? Sometimes, I just want to give up blogging and then I remember my good friends. Know that we all love you.

If you are free (no pressure) while you are here, call me. I will fb my cell number to you. Hugs.

tammy said...

I hope you're enjoying your family. Nothing beats that.

Mimi Sue said...

What an adorable baby! We have 2 grand boys due in January. One day apart. Glad to see you've been rejuvinating. We had plans to go up to Lake Louise in August but didn't make it due to vehicle troubles. Maybe we'll come in the spring instead? Is that close to where you live? Have fun in Utah with your family. Mimi

DB Stewart said...

Congratulations. Great name. Everyone needs a break. No worries. And what interests me? You. You and your honest, funny, and tender, writing voice. Just keep doing that.

Pedaling said...

well you've been busy...but yes, you will be trapped in winters bliss and i hope to be seeing plenty more of you!

love, love, love the new grandbaby's name. so special!

Unknown said...

Applying Botox was a great thing happen with me i am a fan of it and this thing is makeing my life smother i tried Laser hair removal courses too and both of these are serving me a lot.

jeanne, backyard neighbor said...

Good morning Wendy. Thinking of you today and I came by to wish you a happy Halloween. My FB has been neglected but I am trying to get back on track.

I wanted to tell you how much I loved my birthday card and the sweetest words that you wrote about our friendship. I so feel the same about you. I need to say it more. I know your dad needs you and your family so much right now and I also waned to say that you are all in my prayers every day. This is not an easy time and I know it because I 'have been there' when our dad was very ill.

Have a fun Halloween and remember that I do love you and wish I could be there for you so 'much.'
Jeanne xoxoxo

DB Stewart said...

Happy Christmas Wendy.

Anonymous said...

In addition, I linked to this page
Arcade Caving Games

LKP said...

love you! finally sitting in front of my blog roll for the first time in possibly over a year. just wanted to stop by and be snuggled by the comfort of your words. ::hugs::

DB Stewart said...

Happy Spring Wendy. Hope you are well.

Saimi said...

I sure hope you get plenty of resting, re-evaluating and rejuvenating - we all need some of that! My blogging absence is from lack of time but I try to scrape a few post in every now and again.

You should blog for you not for your faithful readers we aren't going anywhere. I use mine as a type of journaling - either way take care and know your are loved!!
Hugs!!! Saimi

DB Stewart said...

Almost been a year now. Hope you are happy and well and without a worry or a wart. (Something my Grandmother used to say.)

~CC Catherine said...

It's hard to believe that you posted this one year ago, just the same amount of time since your daughter and the girls were with you! wow, and you stayed away from blogging for one full year? you need to get back to it girly... love and miss you! you are so talented in your writing! I love to read anything you write... You need to fly to GA - :). xoxo

DB Stewart said...

Hi Wendy. I came across one of your comments on my blog today and still felt your genuine warmth. Hope you and yours are well.

H.K. said...

I can't believe it's been over a year since you last blogged! I know you have had many changes in your life, but it's obvious by some of the comments that you are missed!

Hope you had a great holiday and I hope you blog soon!

DB Stewart said...

Hello Wendy. Hope you are well.

Tina said...

You are missed Wendy! Hope all is well with you and yours.

DB Stewart said...

Hello Wendy. Hope all is well.

lina dhingra said...

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Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Oh Wendy, how I've missed your blog posts. Sure would love to hear how you and your precious family are doing...well I hope.

Sweet wishes,