Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It's cold.
The weather.
Because I have a big hole in my heart. My children have been my poultice these last couple of weeks. We have all gathered around and done all we can to try and become warm.
Not because of the weather
But because we have a hole in our heart.

I 'm heading back home tomorrow. Back to those country, snowy roads. It will take all winter I am sure to feel warm again.
Not because it's cold outside.


Unknown said...

I'm so so sorry. I wish there was something I could do.

Claudie said...

Home is where your heart is Wendy.
Love You

Jane In The Jungle said...

Have a safe trip back Wendy....just hang in step at a time.

Rainy Day Farm said...

I wish I could do something to help make you warm. I will send as many prayers your way, hopefully that will help a little.

Melinda said...

I truly am so sad for you, I hope you know how loved you are and I hope the hurt eases soon! Love you Wendy!

nitebyrd said...

Safe travels home, Wendy. Knowing that you loved him and that he loved you should give you some warmth. (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Love and hugs Wendy. I'm thinking of you.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Oh Wendy. Remember your beautiful man who will help to bring some warmth back into your life. It must be so awful -- I simply can't imagine. But God is good and you have love all 'round you.

Kristina P. said...

I have been thinking a lot about you, my friend.

Unknown said...

Wendy, I am so, so sorry that you've experienced this terrible loss. There's no question about it - this changes you, forever. But I also know that there are ways to help heal that hole, and you need to find them. Please, please, don't spend winter sinking. You need to keep your head up, even if it's just treading water. Talk to people. Go someplace sunny and warm for a few days. See a doctor. Do whatever it takes, ok?

We love you and are sending our very best thoughts your way.

Barbaloot said...

I'm glad you've had time to be with your family. I hope going back "home" and being with your husband will continue to help you heal.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Yep. A day at a time. That's exactly right.

Unknown said...

You are held and loved.
Stay warm. Stay in the warmth .

love to you,


Average Girl said...

*HUGS* Wendy... and safe travels back and I am hoping that this hole in your heart will fill up with these amazing warm memories of your son...


Valerie said...

Big hugs for you Wendy. And continued prayers for you and your family.

Connie said...

Hopefully, just knowing all the people who love you and pray for you will help that big hole to heal. All my love to you, beautiful Wendy!

mCat said...

Have a safe trip home.....and know that you are loved!

Karen Mortensen said...

I am sorry you are feeling so sad. But in time God will warm your heart back up. Hope you have a safe trip back home.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

There are things that will patch that hole in your heart. Family, friends, love, faith. It will be strong, but it will be a patch.

You have so many that love you and your family and care about you.

Travel back to the great white north safely!


Becky Andrews said...

I have thought so much about you and your family. Sending love to you during this difficult time of such coldness. As you describe, at my office we paint wooden hearts with a hole in the middle - it signifies the hole you are talking about it. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you travel.

gigi said...

I pray you have a safe trip home to the loving warm arms of your sweetheart.
Love ya.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think you are so wonderful, and the relationship you have built with your children is eternal.

Lots of love your way.

Debbie said...


corrie said...

Hope you got home safely. We are all here for you. All your family and blogger friends! Loving you and praying for your peace. Keep moving. Keep trying. Keep remembering him and smile because he was so great. You'll miss him. You love him.
You can be warm again. Even with the hole.

love you so much.

Missy said...

I have thought of you often and have prayed for your family. I wish I had an answer for the hole you feel, but I do not.
Just hang on...

Kim said...

I don't know what to say except. . .I am sorry (image a great BIG HUG around you). I love you and hope that you have a safe trip home.

Manzanita said...

My Dear,
I have given you my friendship. Mourn for your boy and then one day you will be warmer but you'll always hold him in your heart.
Love to you.

annie valentine said...

Thought of you with love tonight. Be safe, hunker down, and know we're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

so sorry that you are having to deal with the loss of your son. God bless you and your family.

Rachel Sue said...

It sounds so trite and meaningless to me to tell you that I'm sorry. Because it won't do any good. I am at least sending you cosmic hugs in hope that they warm you just the tiniest bit. Will be praying for you.

DB Stewart said...

I know the great Alberta outdoors can warm my cold thoughts. I can find hope outside. Even though the trees without leaves seem dead, they are not.

Travis & Leslie Doman said...

I definitely feel that hole, i'm so sorry! thinking of you all the time. MISS you!

" Hit It......." said...

I have been following you since I heard about your son. We lost my brother in a similar manner. I hate to say this but, the "hole in your heart" will never go away. However, It will get easier. I promise.

Remember, this will be a year of firsts and it really sucks! My prayers are with you. If you ever want to talk email me.

Becky Andrews said...

You are in my thoughts each day.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dear, dear Wendy,

Your blog and profile are remarkable and so beautiful. I was wondering how you found me, but I see you are a country girl and maybe my WHITE HORSE tag lured you my way!!! I am a city girl, but I LOVE, JUST LOVE the country, especially the French countryside. I thank you for visiting me and I DO WISH YOU that peace and calm in your heart, and may that "hole" be filled with the only thing that can heal: LOVE.

Bless you and do come back!! Anita

Barry said...

I will hold you tight,I will wipe your tears.I will comfort,and protect you from all your fears.