Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's ALL about the "..TUDE"

Why should that be such a big deal
well, it just is. For me anyway
I have really been pulling myself together as of late
has it been easy....HELL NO
(to put it bluntly)
But I have had some shifts in life and I think it will open new doors
for me
Time to live a guilt free me
so.................if you are on this road with me, it will be bumpy
I am NOT so optimistic to think it won't be hard
but I am more positive
so What about Turkmas
IT WAS GREAT, and the balm my soul needed
Years ago, well 2006 actually
my son Matthew who was hosting thanksgiving
bought a table cloth that we each signed
It is so fun to see what everyone wrote over the years
as it turned out, this is a precious memory
It has turned out to be a great, treasured family tradition.
I was so lucky, as this November in Utah was WARM
and I was loving every minute of it...not coats, hardly a sweater
We got a few pictures of course, well who am I kidding
we got LOTS of pictures
 here is me with 3 of my 5 kids
One son not able to make the trip from Reno
and one in heaven
It seems to be getting harder and harder to get a photo
with all of us together
and...GOOD NEWS ....the son in Reno...he and his wife are expecting
their 3rd baby
in July
Merry Christmas TO ME !!!
Here is a grandaughter who always speaks up for the
Turkey leg
(funny, but she used to always call a drumstick, chicken on a leg)
I helped another son put up their Christmas Lights on the house
Well, Actually, I just supervised.
I don't climb up onto roofs
I left that up to my DIL and grandson
even my son doesn't climb up anymore
since his last Clark Griswald incident
 After a wonderful ten days with my family
I got off the plane to COLD...brrrrr
this is what my yard looked like
I have my very own "flocked trees"
And that's when I dig deep and say
attitude wendy, attitude
(I told you it wasn't going to be easy)
my porch
Holy Christmas Tinsel and Frozen Jingle Bells
or reindeer balls
But all is well
I got the tree up
Matthews stocking is hung on the banister with care
I made this for him when he was only 3, and his wife gave it to me
I was so happy he had hung on to it
So soon, before we know it
Christmas day will be here
so much going on for all of us I am SURE
and If I could send you all a hug
and a Christmas card
'cause they are just tooooo cool


"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Hey Wendy,
So glad you had a wonderful trip, it looks like you had a great time with your family! A Merry Christmas to you and your's! And a wonderful New Year! P.S. I know how hard this time of year can be...Hugs! Cathy

Jeanne, backyard neighbor said...

Hi Wendy, As always I love to hear from you. As to your question about where we will be for Christmas...In Europe baby!!! HA! Well actually we come home from a 12 day river cruise down the Rhine river on Christmas Eve and we we will spend Christmas with my sister in Atlanta. I posted about it when you were in Utah. We leave this coming Thursday. Yippee!!!

I loved reading about the tablecloth to write on for Thanksgiving. I know it means more now than ever. I am sure your advice for hanging those lights was invaluable. HA!

I think the flocked trees are beautiful but brrrrrrr.

Have a wonderful Christmas with your awesome husband and sweet MIL. Big smile here.

blessings and love,

The Gathering Place said...

I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving in Utah. The weather was beautiful! Your family tradition of writing on the table cloth is so cool! Keep up your spirits- it sometimes gets hard this time of year, but it is worth it!

Becky Andrews said...

I was just thinking about you and thinking isn't it about time she's home and updates :)! Glad you had a nice time in UTah in November -- it was a beautiful one! The tablecloth tradition very cool. Take Care.

Georgia said...

I too, really like that tablecloth tradition....hmmm...I might start that next year.

Thanks for the talk about attitude. I've needed a good kick in the you-know-what to get mine adjusted. I'll try to follow you good example and advice.

Have a wonderful Christmas up there in the frozen north!

dana said...

Hi Wendy! I love the photos of you and your kids...and I know what you mean about how hard it is to get them together for suce an event....and I only have two.

It so awesome that you have Matthew's stocking. . .I'm sure you have sweet memories of Christmasses past when you see that.

Your snow is beautiful...but I'm not ready for it here! ho ho! This a.m. we have lots of fog......and the temps are supposed to be falling over the next few days. We've really had it easy this fall....but we desperately need rain/snow....last winter we only got 3" of it...then of course we had a super dry summer.

Gotta get busy tossing some decorations on the tree...I haven't got a thing done! The days are slipping by.

Have a great weekend!

I love your post!.....L, Dana

mCat said...

Love the post as I too am in need of a change in 'tude! Love the DD card!

" Hit It......." said...

I bet Matt had no idea the tradition he stated would come to mean so much to you. I love your new positive attitude. Guilt is a wasted emotions. Put more energy into changing what you can and let go of what you can't. Your true friends and family will be there for you.

btw - Sorry we couldn't get together. Life is so crazy right now. I am wishing it would slow down a bit.

Julie Harward said...

You are too cool...I love how you supervise too! It is so wonderful that you have that stocking, so special. I just love your personality Wendy, I think we both have up and hug us thing in us, ain't it great?! Enjoy every moment...hugs to you! :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


I love ya. I love your BLUNTNESS and I too dearest, yes, I TOO have gone through some bumpy times this year thanks to my boldness to quit my job. Boy, did that open up a can of worms of challenges for me. But it IS all in the TUDE, isn't it? My best friends, my husband and MYSELF have all seen me at my worst this year, struggling to figure out what I am doing with myself. But this is what life is about. Finding our strength in our weaknesses, LOVING BEYOND DEATH, and being thankful all the way through it all. I just LOVE that tablecloth and what Matt wrote. That will always bring a chuckle, a guffaw, a tear to all of you, and I say, THANK GOD for it all.

Star gazing? Yes, that is what I do. Call it chilling out, being pensive, taking a is necessary for this crazy, poet wannabe, and really for anyone looking to see why we are even here.

Much love to you dearest WENDY!!!!! Anita

Kristina P. said...

I always wish we could meet up, but then I see all the pictures of your wonderful family, and would want to spend every minute with them.

Deserae said...

Glad you had a fabulous trip! Love the tablecloth clever! I might have to borrow that idea if you don't mind? Congrats on the news of a new grand-baby too!

tammy said...

I love the tablecloth idea! I may have to start that tradition.

Glad you had a good trip and that the weather was good for you.

Your trees look gorgeous, but that's easy for me to say while I'm enjoying my sunshine and 65 degree weather :)

Anonymous said...

You're Totally awesome dear friend.. yeah Utah was warm a week before my Dad passed - the day he died Oak City had 13 inches.. but the funeral was clear skies and a light jacket.. But Az Thanksgiving weather was prefect.. sorry for you winter wonderland - I can't take the cold no more but BOY, it's so beautiful - I'll visit but can't live daily in that white, cold wet stuff.. I know what you mean and feel about those cold long winter days.. Keep blogging and we will all get through this tough time you might have from time to time and I am not out of the woods either still having a tough time getting a job and with out a steady income there is no car yet -- O the up's and down's of living.. it's all good and Life is Good and we are blessed".. I love the idea of the Thanksgiving tablecloth -- I want to try that out next year.. Thanks for your post.. keep in touch.. Like the card too - can you see my smiles!!
Hugs -- Happy Holiday..

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy! Glad to hear you had a great time! Love the snaps and I love seeing your flocked trees too!
Now I want you to know, I have tried to watch Duck Dynasty and I just can't get into it! I have tried, I really have! :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

C'est moi Claudette said...

Your wearing PINK socks and you have a PINK blanket and a PINK Mug !! Are you trying to get my attention? If so you have.
I'm glad your getting your TUDE on gf. You have it in you. I just know it's hiding in there.
I didn't know about the table cloth and so cool that you have Mathew's sock. That must make you feel closer to him.
Gosh I love you so much my BGF.
Gnight honey.

camp and cottage living said...

So glad you got to see your kids and g'kids. Nothing like time with them to put things into perspective
I think your Thanksgiving tablecloth is such a neat tradition
My kids would already be calling dibs on it for after I'm gone!

DB Stewart said...

I always love your 'tude. And, writer friend, I always look forward to your words too. They're like balm. Thank you.

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love the idea of everyone signing the tablecloth year after year. What a treasure! Your snow looks so pretty. Please blow some of it my way in time for Christmas!

Teacup Mosaics said...

It sounds like you are on the "right" road, I love how you share your feelings. Your thoughts and memories are lovely.
Thanks for your visit, you always bring a smile to my face.
Just a little update, as of last year we are spending the winters in Florida. It might have something to do with my daughter and her family live here. Our first grandchild and another on the way. So you haven't missed a thing. Take care! Kelley
I LOVE the tablecloth idea. It is definately on my holiday "to do" list. Thanks!

Hearts Turned said...

SO glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful, Wendy! Love your granddaughter & her "chicken on a leg"!

Apparently Utah's not quite so warm anymore, and my parents are VERY excited to be spending Christmas with us in California this year! Would love to have a few of your "flocked" trees in my yard, but grateful it's not anywhere NEAR that cold here!

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season, my friend!


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Wendy...been reading here, all about life and the ups and downs we have. The hurts, the blessings, the missing, the longings, the hope, "wanting" to be happy but having a hard time getting there, the tears, the breakdowns, family times, Mountain Dew, tablecloth, grandchildren, children, happy hubby and Matthew. It does get better but it takes time, sometimes a long time. It's been 6 years since Tyler passed. Saturday/Sunday were awful days for me. Today, better. I feel for you Wendy. Hang in there my dear. xoxoxoxo

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I'm so glad you had time with your kids! All but two of ours will be home starting in a week. I have so much still to do! Your tablecloth is wonderful. Who the heck would have thought of such a thing? SO precious. I find Christmas hard at the best of times and have to keep talking myself "up" too. Oh your home views are severly beautiful. I wouldn't do well in the cold, but how gorgeous! Cheers to you! SO glad you came by!

June said...

I love the card from you to me Wendy! Too funny!

I am so glad you had a wonderful time with your family in Utah! I think you help like I do :o) Most of the time I help from my favorite chair in the family room least YOU went outside!

I love the tablecloth and how precious it must be to your whole family. And speaking of guys are a gorgeous bunch!

Now, to wish you a Merry Christmas up there in the frozen tundra.
Merry Christmas my dear friend.

sending love and hugs (mostly just to unthaw you:)

Mimi Sue said...

It has been a nice fall but all that changed last week. It is now cold here in northern Utah. But not as cold as where you are. Glad you had a good time with your family. Don't you just love Duck Dynasty? It has become one of our favorite shows. Hey Jack! Mimi

koralee said...

Looks like a great trip...thank you so much for sharing...hope you are well on the road to Christmas...we will be there before we know it.

Ann Marie said...

I loved seeing you!
I always love our visits.. and leave thinking long about something that was said.

Thank you for your friendship.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I just loved this post when I first saw it and I love it all over again!

Dearest Wendy, you are so right. EVIL CANNOT WIN. HIS righteousness prevails and I believe that we are only on the end of the spectrum where we cannot see the entire picture. We see only through a dim glass as Paul said....those children are in safe hands now, but it is us, the dear families that have to make sense of it all....thank you for your humor, your courage (that has been a huge inspiration to me) and for your friendship. May this continue to be a wonderful season for you to spend with your beloved ones. MUCH LOVE! Anita

Nicole said...
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DesertHen said...

Hi Wendy! You are SO is all about the Attitude! Mine hasn't been too great lately, but I'm going to forgive myself for that and just move on. It seems my attitude always seems to take a nose dive in November and continues on through most of the winter. Think I'll just blame it on hormones! LOL!

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! I even saw you make an appearance on Mcat's blog. =)

Here's hoping you had a Merry Christmas and stayed warm and cozy!

It started snowing here on Christmas day and we ended up with about 8 inches. Northern Nevada looks like a winter wonderland at the moment.

Happy New Year to you!

DesertHen said...

P.S. We LOVE Duck Dynasty here! It just makes me Happy, Happy, Happy! =)

As Si would say..."That's a fact Jack!"

Karen Mello Burton said...

That turkey leg photo made me totally laugh out loud! You have a good life with so many wonderful kids and grandkids who love you. Blessings, big time!

Anonymous said...
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Pondside said...

I don't know how I missed this post!
Congrats on the coming grandchild - isn't it just the best!?

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Thinking of you Wendy! Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year! xox

Jeanne, backyard neighbor said...

Hello Wendy, I can't go to bed without wishing you a wonderful 2013. Your post is full of hope for the coming year. I can feel it. No wonder you are loved so much. It is because you are special.

We arrived home after Christmas from our trip to Europe. We had a wonderful time. The sights were amazing and we would love to go again. A different place though. It is good to be home where our heart is. Really our heart is where ever we are at the moment. Smile. Right now it is with you as you think positive about the changes you are making and have made.

We quietly celebrated the New Year but tomorrow my sisters and NC family will be here for dinner. A small crowd of 15. Fun times.

Blessings, love and Happy New Year to you and your darling Family.

gigi said...

This was a great post all the way around! Exciting that you are getting a new GRANDbaby! I'm excited for you. and even though it is really, really cold, I think your flocked trees are beautiful.
Priceless table cloth and stocking.

I'm gonna try with you this year and try and keep up a good 'tude!

~CC Catherine said...

Wendy aka DD. :-) This post is just precious... I adore you my sista cowgirl! And I am not botoxing you either! :-) I love that table cloth... what a treasure for the entire family! :-) loved seeing what Matthew wrote!

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